“When the people are afraid of the government, there is tyranny. When the government is afraid of the people, there is liberty”
Thomas Jefferson
A Vision for A Traditional Castle Rock
Tubbs For Castle Rock: Our country and our communities are under attack. This is no longer a national issue. I am running to reverse and prevent liberal trends that we encounter at the local level. Please elect me to fight for you.

It cannot be denied our country and our communities have gone in the wrong direction. Illegals are currently pouring across our border with the blessing of the federal government. Some are confirmed terrorists. Meanwhile, we take our shoes off at the airport. There were minimal arrests during the 2020 riots, but parents protecting our children at school board meetings were surveilled and intimidated by the FBI. And, of course, FBI agents have been seen in uniform kneeling during BLM protests. The U.S. Constitution exists to protect us from the government, NOT to protect the government from us. The government has no right to mandate vaccines and masks. I do not care if it’s the federal government or the Castle Rock City Council. We are supposed to be a free society, and we need to start demanding our freedom.
Don’t tell me it’s normal for a child to watch a drag show (right here in Castle Rock and Parker, by the way).
It is not normal for the FDA to approve poisons in our food that are banned in other countries.
It is not normal for inflation to be out of control, including our property taxes.
It is not normal for the government to keep spending money it does not have, and it will never be able to pay it back.
It is not normal to have rigged elections and pretend it didn’t happen or we will “fix it” next time.
It is not normal to have homeless and tents everywhere.
It is not normal for the government to keep pushing to take our guns away. Ask Australia how that worked out for them when they voluntarily turned in their firearms.
It is not normal and is, in fact, evil, to murder a baby moments before it is to be born and then call it healthcare/abortion.
I can and will provide many more examples in the future. Even if I did not, I have made my point. Our government wants us to believe these things are the new normal.
Many of the issues may not come up in the City Council Meetings. However, some will, and I will be prepared. If elected, you will at least know your City Council Member is aware of the issues and how he stands regarding them.
I do not know where the City Council stood through the first Plandemic. I do not know if they supported vaccine and mask mandates. I do not know if they supported local businesses being forced to comply with these mandates. There are already rumblings about the next one, so we can be shut down again. I am vehemently against the City Council or any government telling us or a business what they must do with vaccines or masks. I will fight any mandate. We are losing our freedoms, and it is unacceptable. The covid19 vaccine is not even a vaccine. It is becoming well-documented that serious health effects, including death, have resulted from these vaccines. If you do not believe me, please do some research and look at how myocarditis and heart issues have skyrocketed since its release.
I’m still furious that a pride event (used to groom children) was held in Castle Rock in 2023. I emailed the Mayor, Commissioner, and my opponent in this race. My council member was the only one who responded. I was told a vote was taken to discuss the issue, and it was voted down, and I was thanked for caring. I asked a follow-up question on where the Mayor stood on the issue since he should be leading the charge, and I received no response. It is bizarre to me that our children are being harmed due to this pride movement, and our council seemingly shrugs their shoulders and seems to say, “Oh well.” The only action is a vote to discuss it?! Sorry – that does not work for me. I was protesting the pride event in Parker on August 4. There were no candidates, council members, or mayors there protesting with me, though I cannot speak for who may have attended the event. Is it because it was in Parker this year, and suddenly, it is no longer our problem? There were about two dozen pride people at the Castle Rock City Council meeting last August. They spent 30 minutes complaining to the council that the Castle Rock PD did not arrest protesters. No one from “our side” on the council made a statement which is done prior to citizens speaking. The only one on the council who spoke was someone praising the event. This also does not work for me. That was an opportunity that was wasted. Unacceptable. We, as traditional Americans, are too tolerant. Tolerance is the virtue of a man with no convictions. I no longer want to hear, “but she is on our side.” We need lions on the council. What happens when we face a mask or vaccine mandate, or illegals are pouring into Castle Rock, or whatever else they come up with? The time to be sweet and tolerant is over. It is downright disturbing that at least 4 members of the council voted down this measure just to discuss the pride event being held in Castle Rock. Thankfully, my opponent voted to discuss it, but we need much more. We should not call a vote – lose the vote – and move on. We need someone to fight on these important issues. We need to make a statement in this election. Not just District 2, but the other 3 districts as well. We need real leadership. The council, as currently constructed, is fine with local issues that arise, but it is extremely poor regarding major issues. Changes need to be made. I understand most of the business is working through anything from the floods that occurred in the spring to voting on Costco coming to town. I will gladly work on these developments. Rest assured, when that other portion of the issues confronts this council, I will be ready. As an Army veteran with 9 years of law enforcement, I am not afraid.
What the pride movement actually symbolizes is:
-Puberty blockers
-Sex change operations that require cutting off genitals and breasts
-Normalizing adults being attracted to children by calling them minor-attracted persons(MAPs) instead of pedophiles.
-Coming after people like me for pointing it out by calling us homophobes, etc.
-Drag queens reading books to children in libraries.
-Sexual books in school libraries for 10-year-old kids to read – One is called “It’s Perfectly Normal.”
-Waving flags that promote pedophilia. Research the flag they love so much. The pink line represents an attraction to young girls. The blue line represents an attraction to young boys.
The percentage change in diagnoses of gender dysphoria from 2018 to 2022 increased dramatically in every state but South Dakota. I wonder why?
They are also attempting to make pedophilia an accepted form of sexual attraction. How is this not evil? Satan loves this movement, and this city council sat on their hands when the event was in Castle Rock last year. Embarrassing. If the pride issue is not your thing, what other major issue may come down the pike that may be a major issue for you? Given my presented facts, do you think this council will have your back and protect you?
Why are men in women’s locker rooms now? Why are men in women’s sports? What happened to all the feminists that are supposedly standing up for women? The feminists are frauds. If there is something happening to our society that assists in breaking down traditional values and the nuclear family, they are all for it.
Diversity – Equity – Inclusion (DEI): A Marxist system designed to elevate or punish people based on their race. Of course, they say you are racist if you disagree with DEI. It is now promoted in numerous corporations and, of course, the State of Colorado. Do you think China, India, Ethiopia, etc., are concerned about DEI? It is only pushed on European countries. Ask Canada, Sweden, Britain, France, Australia, Italy, Germany, and Ireland about their migrant issues. The media will not discuss it(they are owned, too), but the problem is out of control. They want illegals pouring into all of our countries. If you want to see the future, visit London or look at some of the videos of how that city has been destroyed by “migrants.” The organizations behind the destruction of our countries are largely the World Economic Forum(WEF), the World Health Organization(WHO), and the United Nations(UN). They own most of our politicians at the federal level. That is how they get away with shutting us down and forcing vaccines on us. Even running for City Council, I am getting emails from special interest groups that would like me to complete their surveys and have interviews and meetings. My loyalty in this race is to my fellow citizens in District 2.
Another note regarding vaccines. In 1970, autism occurred in 1 in 10,000 people. In 2014, it occurred in 1 in 59. Question everything.
I challenge anyone to find a government that ever reduced its own size or power. The government’s job is to protect us and our borders. Instead, they opened our borders, placed us in danger, and got us into 35 trillion dollars of debt. They enact vaccine and mask mandates and destroy our communities with government programs that cost lots of money but never fix anything. Congress will not approve 5 billion dollars to secure our border with a wall because they said it “costs too much” but can find over 100 billion dollars for Ukraine. We need to start pushing back when our government becomes tyrannical.
If not elected, I will continue to fight tyranny. I do not care if it is against the government or private entities. I will make my voice heard either way. I am not looking for personal glory. I do not believe the City Council would be that anyway. I am a husband and a father, and I’m just fed up. I will be fighting for what is right, no matter the result of this election. In my humble opinion, I am the person that should be elected. I will not be pressured, intimidated, or influenced to do anything that is not in the best interests of Castle Rock and our district.
I prefer a small-town feel to Castle Rock. I believe in preserving the land of Castle Rock. I do not believe extensive development is the way to go. I will take each issue as it comes, though that is my general philosophy when it comes to town development.
I have worked for over nine years in law enforcement. I am an Army veteran. I was military intelligence and had a Top Secret SCI clearance. I was an investigator for ten years. I worked for a company that conducted background investigations. I am a proud Eagle Scout. I have lived in Castle Rock for 15 years.
Lastly, and most importantly, I want to thank my wonderful wife and two lovely twin daughters for supporting me in fighting for others, and not just for my family. Please vote for me to help make a positive difference in our town.
William E Tubbs